Lost in my Bedroom

As July comes to an end, it’s hard to stop myself from thinking about how much time has been wasted. In a month or so, summer will come to an end, and that feeling of being restricted from friends, experiences and memories, has become more emphasized. With that being said, I’ve only begun to realize how much time I’ve spent to develop my art and learn more as an artist. I became so fed up with staying at home for too long, and as a result, I managed to look past how much I’ve grown as an artist. Maybe this isn’t the case for everyone. But for some of us, the isolation has ironically given us the chance to become a more developed version of ourselves. A lot of people coined this term as the “quarantine glow up,” and honestly, it has given us the freedom to try new hobbies and develop new interests that we never thought of. For some people it’s baking or reading, and for others it’s working out or starting a health journey. These are activities that we normally have access to but are usually too busy to invest our time in. Yet the quarantine has given us the choice to do what we typically don’t have time for. These illustrations were meant to portray the freedom that one can experience within his/her bedroom. Instead of relying on physical freedom, it relies on the freedom inside the mind where there is plenty of imagination and creativity. Ironically, having my literal freedom being taken away has given me the free opportunity to try new things and the feeling of liberation in being on my own.