Editors' Letter


No-Shave-November, No-Nut-November, No…. This is better.

We love our themes. We really do. They’re super great to get the creative juices flowing. They’re super interesting when we see how each of you interpret the idea. They’re super fun to come up with. But sometimes we feel like they limit you all.

This month, we don’t want to tell you what to create. We want you to create what’s relevant to you right now. Write about what you’re feeling, take photos of what’s around you already, illustrate what is inspiring you. Don’t let us stop you from embracing your present situation—this month is about you. (Well, every month is about you.)

We can’t wait to see how this season is inspiring you. Submit your stuff! We love you!

-Vivian Chambers, Editor-In-Chief

Hey, UA readers! 

It’s No-Theme November! Yes, you read that right. 

After ten months of themes and ideas, we have decided to give you all the chance to create without restriction. Without walls or parameters. 

Don’t get us wrong. We love themes. Our very first theme (New Beginnings) covered the first five months of the year. From January until May, we let the submissions roll in, and only upon closing the issue did we give it a name. This month we are returning to the freedom of expression without limits. Although we love the unifying concepts that connect all submissions, the fact of the matter is, our feelings and inspirations do not follow a single thread. Growing up- being young- is messy, not categorical. 

So take this month to get messy. Get free. And stay creative. Follow your heart, and submit your creations!

-savanna chada, managing editor